I am new to tensorboard and trying to make it work on my GCE that runs google cloud datalab.
I am using the code from: https://github.com/MorvanZhou/tutorials/blob/master/tensorflowTUT/tf15_tensorboard/full_code.py
the data is saved on logs folder on the GCE. therefore the execution command from the datalab is: !tensorboard --logdir="./logs"
i tried opening network port and then using the external IP address with the port (could not reach the graph) gcloud beta compute firewall-rules create tensorboard --action allow --rules tcp:6006 --source-ranges
running the same thing on my local machine, worked fine. I am using large dataset with big computing and can not work locally.
any idea?
Many thanks, Eila
I tried with port forwarding with no success: Hello,
Help pleasssse
I tried this solution for local machine (MAC): on the local machine, i run: gcloud auth login
on the console: gcloud compute firewall-rules create tensorboard-port --allow tcp:6006
On the Mac, port forward configutaion: gcloud compute ssh datalabvm-pgp --project project_id --zone us-east1-b --ssh-flag="-R" --ssh-flag="6006:localhost:6006"
on the datalab machine: !tensorboard --logdir="./logs" --debug
on the local machine (MAC)
the result: This site can’t be reached took too long to respond. Search Google for 190 179 233 6006 ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
what am i missing?
Many thanks!!