So I've decided to learn Python and after getting a handle on the basic syntax of the language, decided to write a "practice" program that utilizes various modules.
I have a basic curses interface made already, but before I get too far I want to make sure that I can redirect standard input and output over a network connection. In effect, I want to be able to "serve" this curses application over a TCP/IP connection.
Is this possible and if so, how can I redirect the input and output of curses over a network socket?
This probably won't work well. curses
has to know what sort of terminal (or terminal emulator, these days) it's talking to, in order to choose the appropriate control characters for working with it. If you simply redirect stdin/stdout, it's going to have no way of knowing what's at the other end of the connection.
The normal way of doing something like this is to leave the program's stdin/stdout alone, and just run it over a remote login. The remote access software (telnet, ssh, or whatever) will take care of identifying the remote terminal type, and letting the program know about it via environment variables.