There is a small error in my For
loop as it will not select the part that I want to color. I used a variable hash to put all the names of the document there and then tried the Catia function to color, but still got nothing!
Below is a part fo the code.
Problem zone is the Select Case
. It wont actually select and color the part if found.
UPDATE: now i know exactly where the problem is, it is inside case during selection of the part and coloring it. somehow it wont even select the part.
For n = 1 To DokAnzahl
Set Dokument = DokumentArray(n)
ReDim DokumentArrayNew(DokAnzahl)
DokumentArrayNew(n) = CStr(Dokument.Name)
For j = 1 To UBound(arrNamen)
If arrNamenNew(j) = Left(DokumentArrayNew(n), Len(arrNamenNew(1))) Then
'MsgBox "They are equal!"
hash = DokumentArrayNew(n)
ColorCode(j) = arrFarben(j)
'MsgBox ColorCode(j) checked
m = j+1
Select Case ColorCode(j)
Case "NEU" 'rot
Set sel = catia.activedocument.selection "Name =hash,all"
sel.visproperties.setRealColor 240, 1, 1, 1
Case "entfällt" 'Gelb
Set sel = catia.activedocument.selection "Name =hash,all"
sel.visproperties.setRealColor 240, 240, 16, 1
Case "COP" 'Grün
Set sel = catia.activedocument.selection "Name =hash,all"
sel.visproperties.setRealColor 30, 240, 60, 1
Case Else
MsgBox "no color info"
End Select
End If
Your Selection.Search
is searching for the word "Hash"
and not what is inside the variable hash
Change your Select Case
statements to this:
Set sel = catia.activedocument.selection "Name =*" & hash & "*,all"