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Access elements of PCollectionView<List<Foo>> : Google Cloud Dataflow/Apache Beam

I have a PCollection which I want to pass as a side-input and access its elements in a ParDo.

I've created a PCollectionView of it as:

final PCollectionView<List<Foo>> view =

How to access the elements of it in a ParDo when passed as a side-input?

An example would really help.

Thank You


  • This snippet mainly comes from the Beam programming guide.

    final PCollectionView<List<Foo>> view =
    PCollection<String> resultingPCollection =
        .of(new DoFn<String, String>() {
            public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
              List<Foo> mySideInput = c.sideInput(view);
              // Do something with side input

    If you don't want to use an anonymous DoFn, you can also pass the PCollectionView as part of its constructor and access it in the processElement function. Like so:

    final PCollectionView<List<Foo>> view =
    PCollection<String> resultingPCollection =
                  .of(new MyDoFn(view)).withSideInputs(view));
    class MyDoFn extends DoFn<String, String> {
      final PCollectionView<List<Foo>> view;
      MyDoFn(PCollectionView<List<Foo>> view) {
        this.view = view;
      public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
        List<Foo> mySideInput = c.sideInput(this.view);
       // Do something with side input