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Cannot find or load main class

I'm trying to create a custom database binding, FooStore, for YCSB. I've compiled this via

mvn -pl -am package

to a jar file, which I've tried to add to the classpath per Step 7

java -cp lib/foostore-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 
  -load -db -P workloads/workloada

which I'm executing from the ycsb-0.12.0 directory (with my new jar file in the lib directory), which results in

Error: Could not find or load main class

Where should I be executing the java command from, and/or which jar(s) do I need to add to my classpath in order to fix this command?

Alternatively, how do I modify YCSB so that I can recompile it via mvn package and then simply execute ./bin/ycsb load foostore -P workloads/workloada


  • Have you tried to add a database keyword in ycsb?

    1. Maven gave you a ycsb-foostore-binding-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz. Untar it (in another directory).
    2. Edit ycsb-foostore-binding-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/ycsb and edit the DATABASES dictionary by adding a line like:

      "foostore" : "",
    3. Run your custom YCSB:

      cd ycsb-foostore-binding-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT/
      /bin/ycsb load foostore -thread 1 -P workload/worloada -s