I have a Windows VM set up in a Azure DevTest lab running Windows Server 2016, based on the Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Gallery Image. This is serving as a Custom Build Agent for VSTS.
I cannot find how to set it to automatically apply Windows Updates.
I found this article https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/0a46b8ac-0b16-4b87-a881-260c8d5609f7/disabling-windows-update-via-group-policy?forum=winserverGP but the Wuau.admin template does not exist on the server.
This article https://www.rootusers.com/configure-automatic-updates-for-windows-server-2016/ references the Group Policy Editor tool in Server Manager...but the Azure VM doesn't have that as a tool in Server Manager. Nor does the local GPE have the Group Policy Management section in the tree view as shown in the article.
I am probably missing something very simple, but I'm not really that familiar with server management. My goal is to get the VM set up so that it keeps itself patched and running smoothly.
You could use sconfig to set the Windows Updates settings to automatic
Change your Windows Update Settings
To change your Windows Update Settings with SCONFIG, follow these steps:
•Open a command prompt with Admin permissions.
•Type sconfig and press Enter.
◦NOTE: There may be a short pause as the tool inspects your system.•Press 5 and then Enter. This will bring up the following options for you to choose from:
◦(A)utomatic – This will configure your machine to automatically scan, download, install and reboot after applying any updates.
◦(D)ownloadOnly – This will automatically scan, download and notify the admin if updates need to be installed. This is the default setting on Windows Server 2016.
◦(M)anual — This turns Automatic Updates off. Your system will never check for updates.•Press the letter specified in the “( )” and press Enter to apply.
•When the tool applies the configuration you have selected, you will see a message pop-up similar to the one below. Click the OK button to dismiss the message. The tool will refresh the menu and option 5 will now show the new configuration.
Source: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/mu/2016/10/25/__trashed/
Edit based on comment of derape