I'm very new to Matlab and maybe a very basic question, but I need help:
I have a path:
file = C:\this\is\path\to\my_file.mat
This is a file which contains nested structure and I need just to access one variable. In my script, first I need to get the file name which I will use as variable later:
[pathstr,name,ext] = fileparts(file);
So, now I have the variable name with the content my_file.mat
S = load(file)
value = S.('name').structA.SubstructA1.variableA
Matlab is generating the message:
"Reference to non-existent field 'name'."
So, how is the correct way to use the variable in this case ?
You are very close, just remove the single quotes from around the variable, name, like this:
value = S.(name).structA.SubstructA1.variableA