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many PerformanceCounter not changing value

Hi i create many PerformanceCounter My problem is when i set value of one counter it change in all other counters this is my code:

 public class PerformanceCounterHelper
    private const string COUNTER_STILL_ALIVE = "Nb secondes depuis dernière activité";
    private const string COUNTER_STILL_ALIVE_HELP = "Nombre de secondes depuis le dernier signe de vie";

    private const string COUNTER_MESSAGE_NUMBER = "Nb messages traités";
    private const string COUNTER_MESSAGE_NUMBER_HELP = "Nombre de messages traités par le dispatcher";

    private const string COUNTER_MESSAGE_ERROR = "Nb messages en erreur";
    private const string COUNTER_MESSAGE_ERROR_HELP = "Nombre de messages en erreur";

    private PerformanceCounter stillAliveCounter;
    private PerformanceCounter messageNumberCounter;
    private PerformanceCounter messageErrorNumberCounter;
    public PerformanceCounterHelper(string categoryName)
        stillAliveCounter = new PerformanceCounter(categoryName, COUNTER_STILL_ALIVE, false);
        messageNumberCounter = new PerformanceCounter(categoryName, COUNTER_MESSAGE_NUMBER, false);
        messageErrorNumberCounter = new PerformanceCounter(categoryName, COUNTER_MESSAGE_ERROR, false);

        messageNumberCounter.RawValue = 0;
        messageErrorNumberCounter.RawValue = 0;
    public void DonnerSigneDeVie() {stillAliveCounter.RawValue = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();}

    public void IncrementerNombreMessagesTraites()
        messageNumberCounter.RawValue += 1;

    public void IncrementerNombreMessagesEnErreur()
        messageErrorNumberCounter.RawValue += 1;

    public PerformanceCounterHelper()
    { }

In the end all counters values have values "3"


  • I can't see your class PerformanceCounter, but I think there is a static variable in it, that holds the RawValue!?

    Remove the static from the variable and it should work.

    For more feedback, please show us the class.

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