I would like to be able to debug one of my Nuget packages when using it in another project. In the past I would have added the '-sym' when running nuget.exe but I'm currently using the new csproj (so packaging is part of the build) and would like to be able to do the same thing. Anyone know how I can effectively do the this now that nuget.exe is a part of the build process.
The build tasks respect the msbuild properties IncludeSymbols
and IncludeSource
for including symbols and source.
They are set when calling dotnet pack
with --include-symbols
and/or --include-source
For msbuild invocations, you'd set them like /p:IncludeSymbols=true
If your rely on the "generate packages on build" feature (which is based on the GeneratePackageOnBuild
property), you could set these in your project file: