I'm running ODOO 10 from source code in Eclipse on Windows 10. It's running ok in the web interface (on localhost)
I want to control the odoo via command line at the same time. Can I do so while its running in the web interface?
If so how do I invoke the odoo commands to the server?
OK I figured it out: You go to the root directory where the source is located and where the odoo-bin python file is, together with the odooshell (which you change to batch) and run it as follows:
python odoo-bin --help
And take it from there!
When the debugger is running it seems not to work, but if the server is running outside the debugger (in Eclipse I hit "run" with a run configuration) then the command line works ok.
for example, in windows open cmd and C:> CD c:\myDevPath\odoo C:\myDevPath\odoo> C:\myDevPath\odoo> python odoo-bin --i18n-import=addons\point_of_sale\i18n\he.po --i18n-overwrite -l=he --database=odoo --db_user=mydbUser --db_password=myodoodbPassword