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Android Exoplayer SimpleExoPlayerView Play/Pause events

Is there a way to hook into the Play/Pause click events of the SimpleExoPlayerView controls? I'm trying to hookup chromecast to my play activity and i need to be able to respond to play events to determine if exoplayer should play the content or it should be sent to chromecast.

I thought onPlayerStateChanged might help with this but i can't see a ExoPlayer.STATE_PLAYING state.


  • Try this solution:

    SimpleExoPlayerView simpleExoPlayerView = (SimpleExoPlayerView)findViewById(;
            simpleExoPlayerView.setControlDispatcher(new PlaybackControlView.ControlDispatcher() {
                public boolean dispatchSetPlayWhenReady(ExoPlayer exoPlayer, boolean b) {
                // implement what you need
                return b;
            public boolean dispatchSeekTo(ExoPlayer exoPlayer, int i, long l) {
                return false;