This target is OK (D:\Temp\sgr.tar.gz
<target name="myTarget" description="Download application delivery file">
<exec program="pscp.exe">
<arg line="-batch -v -l ${ftp.user} -pw ${ftp.password} ${}:${remote.dir}/${remote.file} D:\Temp\sgr.tar.gz"/>
This target (with a space in target directory (D:\tmp 2\sgr.tar.gz
)) is KO:
<target name="myTarget" description="Download application delivery file">
<exec program="pscp.exe">
<arg line="-batch -v -l ${ftp.user} -pw ${ftp.password} ${}:${remote.dir}/${remote.file} D:\Temp\tmp 2.tar.gz"/>
I have this error:
[exec] More than one remote source not supported
I try with but is KO also.
Wrap the path to double-quotes ("
<arg line="-batch -v -l ${ftp.user} -pw ${ftp.password} ${}:${remote.dir}/${remote.file} "D:\Temp\tmp 2.tar.gz""/>