I am trying to connect from php to oracle database in windows x64
I use: php5, apache2, oraclexe 10.2
My file "test.php" is the following:
if ($c = oci_connect("SYSTEM", "root", "//localhost:1521/XE")) {
echo "Successfully connected to Oracle.";
} else {
$err = oci_error();
echo "Oracle Connect Error " . $err['text'];
When I open localhost/test.php, getting a following error:
Warning: oci_connect() [function.oci-connect]: ORA-06413: Connection not open
I can not understand the cause of this error, because I have already connected to the same database from Java, and I think the php.ini file is well configured, because I managed to connect from php to MySQL database. Also followed this tutorial: http://www.orafaq.com/wiki/PHP_FAQ
So if someone have a solutions and comments post it please
Is XE the service name of your database? That's the name used in the example code that you have to change.