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Approximate experimental data from multiple cells

I have several cell arrays with probe data from .mat-file.

I need to find resonance frequencies and q-factors for each of the 1000 inputs, and then estimate (approximate) them. However, the code below provides only 1 value of fres instead of 1000, and no plot for (i, fres) is shown.

  • FStart - cell array (1000*1)
  • FEnd - cell array (1000*1)
  • Amp - multiarray (1000*100)

    for i = 1:1:1000
        f1 = FStart(i):10:FEnd(i);     
        grid on  
        y1 = plot(f1,Amp(i,:)); 
        [maxValue, maxIndex] = max(Amp(i,:));  %find maximum value of amplitude for each i
        [Q_Value, Q_Index] = max(0.5*Amp(i,:));  %also tried 0.5*max() and /2
        fres = f1(maxIndex);  %by index of max amplitude value find resonance frequency
        plot(i,fres)     %plot resonance frequency for each i
        hold on

NB: the last FStart value is less than the first FreqEnd value

Futhermore, I try to esteem the Q factor as: Max(frequency on level = 1/2*MaxAmplitude)-Min(frequency on level = 1/2*MaxAmplitude)

fmin = min(f2(Q_Index))
fmax = max(f2(Q_Index))

But it shows fmin = fmax

Could you please tell, what's the problem here?


  • Apart from the comment to your answer which clearly shows where the problem is, you may wan to remove the plot from the script by storing fres as a vector:

    for i = 1:1000
        f1 = FStart(i):10:FEnd(i);     
        grid on  
        y1 = plot(f1,Amp(i,:)); 
        [maxValue, maxIndex] = max(Amp(i,:));  %find maximum value of amplitude for each i
        [Q_Value, Q_Index] = max(0.5*Amp(i,:));  %also tried 0.5*max() and /2
        fres(i) = f1(maxIndex);  %by index of max amplitude value find resonance frequency    