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Is Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client supported in .NET Core or not?

I'm currently trying to do some JSON formatting using the HttpClient in .NET Core and MediaTypeFormatters. Especially the function "ReadAsAsync(..., MediaTypeFormatter, ...)" ( which was available in .NET Framework in the HttpContent-Class would be very helpful. As far as I understood, it can be found in the NuGet package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client but I cannot download it because it is not supported in .NET Core.

Though I have read, that it should be:

I know that it is possible to do the formatting using Newtonsoft and so on.

But does someone know, if that package will be available in .NET Core some day again? I could not find any information really...


  • Update:

    Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client version 5.2.4 was released on 2018-02-12.

    Thanks @whitney-kew @jaquez

    The package is not fully compatible with dotnetcore now. However there's workaround for this. You have to edit project.csproj like below:

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
        <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client" Version="5.2.3" />
        <PackageReference Include="System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml" Version="4.3.0-*" />
        <PackageReference Include="System.Xml.XmlSerializer" Version="4.3.0-*" />

    Please refer to this github issue for details:

    I think the new Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client version (5.2.4) should fix this, but it's not released yet, maybe in late 2017.