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Angular - Module not available

I am using mean.js boilerplate. I would like to include angular-stripe in my client side. For that I have installed angular-stripe and it is available under node_modules.

Now I would like to add it in my code as follows

(function () {
'use strict';

  .module('myApp', [
  .config(function (stripeProvider) {

      PaymentController.$inject = ['$scope', '$state', 'Authentication', 'Socket', 'stripe'];

      function PaymentController($scope, $state, Authentication, Socket, stripe) {
        var vm = this; 

It throws the folowing error

Module 'angular-stripe' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.


  • If you're using MeanJs boilerplate, you have to add your dependencies at config/assets/default.js in client - lib and client-css if the dependecy has a .css file.

    module.exports = {
      client: {
        lib: {
          css: [
            // bower:css
            // endbower
          js: [
            // bower:js
            // endbower
          ], // rest of the code..

    MeanJs highly recommend to use bower for your frontend dependencies. For more info: MeanJS docs