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How to Prevent Form Resubmission when page is refreshed or back button is clicked

On my form , i allow users to upload files to the database and i send them to another page, which is submission_successful.php, that says "Thank You for Submitting". But i noticed that when i hit the back button on the submission successful php file, it goes back to the form and the same information is there and allows another submission. What i want to do is kill the code, upon hitting back button, or clear everything that was inputted by the user. I found a couple of answers around like using cache control but, some were vague and others didn't work for me. And plus i don't want the user going back to the upload page when they're on the success page. So thats why i will create 2 buttons for "logout" or "go back to upload page" and if they hit back button, it will crash. I want to show the Confirm Form Resubmission page. In other post they are trying to actually prevent the "Confirm Form Resubmission" but i would like to have it for security. Here is my code




if(array_key_exists("invalid", $_GET)){

    echo '<br><h3 style="color:red;">File(s) were already submitted! Please re-name file or select a different file...</h3>';



        $price = addslashes(trim($_POST['price']));
        $description = addslashes(trim($_POST['description']));

        if(!empty($price) && !empty($description)){

            $userid = $_SESSION['id'];
            $username = $_SESSION['username'];
            echo '<br>'.$userid;
            $pack_id = rand();

            //Check file 1
            if($_FILES['file1']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK){

                    $file1 = null;

                $target1 = "devFiles/";
                $target_file1 = addslashes(trim($target1 . basename($_FILES["file1"]["name"])));
                $file1 = addslashes(trim($_FILES['file1']['tmp_name']));


            //Check file 2
            if($_FILES['file2']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK){

                    $file2 = null;

                $target2 = "devFiles/";
                $target_file2 = addslashes(trim($target2 . basename($_FILES["file2"]["name"])));
                $file2 = addslashes(trim($_FILES['file2']['tmp_name']));


            //Check file 3
            if($_FILES['file3']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK){

                    $file3 = null;

                $target3 = "devFiles/";
                $target_file3 = addslashes(trim($target3 . basename($_FILES["file3"]["name"])));
                $file3 = addslashes(trim($_FILES['file3']['tmp_name']));


            //Check file 4
            if($_FILES['file4']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK){

                    $file4 = null;

                $target4 = "devFiles/";
                $target_file4 = addslashes(trim($target4 . basename($_FILES["file4"]["name"])));
                $file4 = addslashes(trim($_FILES['file4']['tmp_name']));


            //Check file 5
            if($_FILES['file5']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK){

                    $file5 = null;

                $target5 = "devFiles/";
                $target_file5 = addslashes(trim($target5 . basename($_FILES["file5"]["name"])));
                $file5 = addslashes(trim($_FILES['file5']['tmp_name']));


            //Check video
            if($_FILES['video']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK){

                $video = null;
                $videoName = null;

                $target = "devFiles/";
                $target_file = addslashes(trim($target . basename($_FILES["video"]["name"])));
                $video = addslashes(trim($_FILES['video']['tmp_name']));
                $videoName = addslashes(trim($_FILES['video']['name']));


               or file_exists($target_file2) 
               or file_exists($target_file3)
               or file_exists($target_file4) 
               or file_exists($target_file5) 
               or file_exists($target_file)){

                header("Location: developerUpload.php?invalid");


            if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file1"]["tmp_name"], $target_file1) 
               && move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file2"]["tmp_name"], $target_file2)
               && move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file3"]["tmp_name"], $target_file3)
               && move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file4"]["tmp_name"], $target_file4)
               && move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file5"]["tmp_name"], $target_file5)
               && move_uploaded_file($_FILES["video"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)){


                    // new php data object 
                    $handler = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=magicsever', 'root', '');
                    //ATTR_ERRMODE set to exception
                    $handler->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

                }catch(PDOException $e){
                    die("There was an error connecting to the database");   


                header("Location: submission_successful.php?");


            echo '<br><h1 style="color:red;">VALUES MISSING!</h1>';

}else {

    header("Location: developerLogin.php");




    if(array_key_exists("invalid", $_GET)){

        header("Location: developerUpload.php?invalid");

        echo '<br><h1 style="color:red; text_align:center;">Thank You for Submitting!</h1>';


        header("Location: developerLogin.php");



  • I was searching around for days and finally found something. IF you use a HTML command it will remove any input the user put when the user goes back. Because my problem was when the user goes back after be redirected, their information was still there but if you use

    <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" autocomplete="off">

    it removes everything so it kinda helps. The user will still be allowed to go back but at least now they can't resubmit the data.