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How to add heatmap to quantmod::chart_Series?

I would like to plot heatmap(s) below quantmod::chart_Series(). How to add the below heatmap to chart_Series (or xts::plot.xts):


# Get data fro symbol from Google Finance
symbol <- "SPY"
src <- "google"
from <- "2017-01-01"
symbolData <- getSymbols(symbol, src=src, from=from, auto.assign=FALSE)

# Calculate simple returns
symbolData.ret <- ROC(Cl(symbolData), type="discrete")

# Calculate lagged autocorrelations (Pearson correlation for each value of lag)
nLags <- 100
averageLength <- 3
symbolData.laggedAutocorr <- matrix(0, nLags, NROW(symbolData.ret))
for (lag in 2: nLags) {
    # Set the average length as M
    if (averageLength == 0) M <- lag
    else M <- averageLength
    symbolData.laggedAutocorr[lag, ] <- runCor(symbolData.ret, lag(symbolData.ret, lag), M)
symbolData.laggedAutocorr[] <- 0
symbolData.laggedAutocorr.xts <- reclass(t(symbolData.laggedAutocorr), symbolData)ž
subset <- "2017"
chart_Series(symbolData, name=symbol, subset=subset)

# Use transposed symbolData.laggedAutocorr for plot so you have data aligned to symbolData
# How to add the below heatmap to chart_Series?
heatmap(symbolData.laggedAutocorr.xts, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, na.rm = TRUE, labCol = "")

add_Heatmap <- function(heatmapdata, ...) {
    lenv <- new.env()
    lenv$plot_ta <- function(x, heatmapdata, ...) {
        # fill in body of low level plot calls here
        # use a switch based on type of TA to draw: bands, bars, lines, dots...
        xsubset <- x$Env$xsubset
        #heatmapdata <- heatmapdata[subset] # TODO: Something is wrong if I have a subset here
        heatmap(heatmapdata, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, na.rm=TRUE, labCol="")
        #image(1:NROW(heatmapdata), 1:NCOL(heatmapdata), coredata(heatmapdata), axes=FALSE)
    mapply(function(name, value) {assign(name,value,envir=lenv)},
    exp <- parse(text=gsub("list","plot_ta",
                                            ...)))), srcfile=NULL)
    chob <- current.chob()
    chob$add_frame(ylim=c(0, 0.3), asp=0.3)  # need to have a value set for ylim
    chob$replot(exp,env=c(lenv, chob$Env),expr=TRUE)



The above almost works... The issue is that the heatmap or image is plotted over the main part of chart_Series instead below of it. What to do in order for it to plot correctly?


  • I hope this is useful for other people since I managed to get this working (to a certain level). There are still issues. Please see comments at the end of code below and comment what to do in order to remove those issues.

    enter image description here

    add_Heatmap <- function(heatmapcol, ..., yvalues=1:NCOL(heatmapcol)) {
        lenv <- new.env()
        lenv$plot_ta <- function(x, heatmapcol, ...) {
            xdata <- x$Env$xdata        # internal main series
            xsubset <- x$Env$xsubset
            heatmapcol <- heatmapcol[xsubset]
            x.pos <- 1:NROW(heatmapcol)
            segments(axTicksByTime(xdata[xsubset], ticks.on=x$Env$ticks.on),
                    axTicksByTime(xdata[xsubset], ticks.on=x$Env$ticks.on),
                    NCOL(heatmapcol), col=x$Env$theme$grid)
            # TODO: What is faster polgon or rect (
            # TODO: What is faster for or lapply?
    #       for (i in 1:NCOL(heatmapcol)) {
    #           rect(x.pos - 1/2, i - 1/2, x.pos + 1/2, i + 1/2 + 1, col=heatmapcol[x.pos, i], border=NA, ...)  # base graphics call
    #       }
            lapply(1:NCOL(heatmapcol), function(i) rect(x.pos - 1/2, i - 1/2, x.pos + 1/2, i + 1/2 + 1, col=heatmapcol[x.pos, i], border=NA, ...))
        mapply(function(name, value) {assign(name,value,envir=lenv)},
                names(list(heatmapcol=heatmapcol, ...)),
                list(heatmapcol=heatmapcol, ...))
        exp <- parse(text=gsub("list", "plot_ta",
                                                ...)))), srcfile=NULL)
        chob <- current.chob()
    #   chob$add_frame(ylim=c(0, 1),asp=0.15)   # add the header frame
    #   chob$next_frame()                      # move to header frame
        chob$add_frame(ylim=c(1, NCOL(heatmapcol)), asp=1)  # need to have a value set for ylim
        if (length(yvalues) != NCOL(heatmapcol)) {
            # We have a case when min and max is specified
            yvalues <- (range(yvalues)[1]):(range(yvalues)[2])
        # add grid lines
        lenv$grid_lines_val <- function(xdata, x) { 
            ret <- pretty(yvalues)
            if (ret[1] != min(yvalues)) {
                if (ret[1] <= min(yvalues)) {
                    ret[1] <- min(yvalues)
                } else {
                    ret <- c(min(yvalues), ret)
            if (ret[length(ret)] != max(yvalues)) {
                if (ret[length(ret)] >= max(yvalues)) {
                    ret[length(ret)] <- max(yvalues)
                } else {
                    ret <- c(ret, max(yvalues))
        lenv$grid_lines_pos <- function(xdata, x) { 
            ret <- lenv$grid_lines_val(xdata, x)
            ret <- ret - min(yvalues)
        exp <- c(exp, 
                # Add axis labels/boxes
               expression(text(1- 1/3 - max(strwidth(grid_lines_val(xdata, xsubset))), grid_lines_pos(xdata, xsubset),
                          noquote(format(grid_lines_val(xdata, xsubset), justify="right")),
                          col=theme$labels, offset=0, pos=4, cex=0.9)),
               expression(text(NROW(xdata[xsubset]) + 1/3, grid_lines_pos(xdata, xsubset),
                          noquote(format(grid_lines_val(xdata, xsubset), justify="right")),
                          col=theme$labels, offset=0, pos=4, cex=0.9)))
        chob$replot(exp, env=c(lenv, chob$Env), expr=TRUE)
    colorsForHeatmap<-function(heatmapdata) {
        heatmapdata <- 0.5*(heatmapdata + 1)
        r <- coredata((heatmapdata > 0.5)*round(255*(2 - 2*heatmapdata)) + (heatmapdata <= 0.5)*255)
        g <- coredata((heatmapdata > 0.5)*255 + (heatmapdata <= 0.5)*round(255*2*heatmapdata))
        b <- coredata(heatmapdata*0.0) # Set to 0 for all
        col <- rgb(r, g, b, maxColorValue=255)
        dim(col) <- dim(r)
        col <- reclass(col, heatmapdata)
    # Get data for symbol from Google Finance
    symbol <- "SPY"
    src <- "google"
    from <- "1990-01-01"
    symbolData <- getSymbols(symbol, src=src, from=from, auto.assign=FALSE)
    # Calculate simple returns
    symbolData.ret <- ROC(Cl(symbolData), type="discrete")
    # Calculate lagged autocorrelations (Pearson correlation for each value of lag)
    nLags <- 48
    averageLength <- 3
    symbolData.laggedAutocorr <- matrix(0, NROW(symbolData.ret), nLags)
    for (lag in 2:nLags) {
        # Set the average length as M
        if (averageLength == 0) M <- lag
        else M <- averageLength
        symbolData.laggedAutocorr[, lag] <- runCor(symbolData.ret, lag(symbolData.ret, lag), M)
    symbolData.laggedAutocorr[] <- 0
    symbolData.laggedAutocorr.xts <- xts(symbolData.laggedAutocorr, index(symbolData))
    heatmapColData <- colorsForHeatmap(symbolData.laggedAutocorr.xts)
    symbolData.rsi2 <- RSI(Cl(symbolData), n=2)
    subset <- "2011/"
    chart_Series(symbolData, name=symbol, subset=subset)
    add_Heatmap(heatmapColData, yvalues=2:nLags)
    # TODO: There are still issues:
    #   - add a horizontal line
    five <- symbolData[, 1]
    five[, 1] <- 5
    add_TA(five, col="violet", on=3)
    #> add_TA(five, col="violet", on=3)
    #Error in ranges[[frame]] : subscript out of bounds
    #   - add RSI for example and heatmap disappears
    #   - or add TA
    # What to do so it works like intended: I can add lines on top of heatmaps? I can add other TAs in new panes?