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Parameterized test using nunit3-console.exe with TestCase attribute

I am trying to run nunit3 parameterized test using TestCase attribute.

My Test method looks like:

        public void OBA_Test(String name)
            driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(baseURL + somewebsite)
            // Code to test website. 

Then I take the dll and try to run using

nunit3-console.exe "C:\temp\test\Selenium Testing Prod.dll" /run:"SeleniumTests.SeleniunProdTest.OBA_Test(\"testuser\")"

enter image description here

What am I doing wrong here? Any pointers ?

Ref: nunit-console does not run tests parameterized with TestCase attribute


  • The message is telling you that there is no /run option recognized by the version of NUnit you are using. The /run of NUnit V2 was replaced by the enhanced /test option in NUnit 3.