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How to get value from array and store in variable? Coldfusion

I have a one dimensional array that has 3 values in it. I need to access the value at index 2 and store it in a variable.<cfoutput><cfset myvar= #myarray[2]#></cfoutput> When I try this I get the following error "Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values." Any help would be appreciated.

Adding in extra code

                <cfset myarray=ArrayNew(1)>
                <cfset counter = 1>
                <cfloop list="#url.TableName#" index="y">

                <cfquery name="findgreatest" dbtype ="query">
                SELECT max(arn) as recno from qSort
                WHERE tbl = '#y#'

                <cfset nextTBRC[counter] = ["#findgreatest.recno#"]>

                <cfset counter = counter + 1>

                <cfset myvar = "#nextTBRC[2]#">     


  • It seems you are assigning an array:

    <cfset nextTBRC[counter] = ["#findgreatest.recno#"]>

    Should be:

    <cfset nextTBRC[counter] = findgreatest.recno>