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Viewing PDF in Windows forms using C#

Is there any way to view PDF files in a Winforms tool? I've seen solutions such as converting the pdf file into images and showing them in an picture box. However, I am asking whether i can view the file as PDF. Is there any tool from adobe or from Microsoft that supports this?


  • you can use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start as well as WIN32 ShellExecute function by means of interop, for opening PDF files using the default viewer:

    [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("shell32. dll")]
    private static extern long ShellExecute(Int32 hWnd, string lpOperation, 
                                        string lpFile, string lpParameters, 
                                            string lpDirectory, long nShowCmd);

    Another approach is to place a WebBrowser Control into your Form and then use the Navigate method for opening the PDF file:
