Here it is my BindingAdapter
@InverseBindingMethod(type = RecyclerView.class, attribute = "lastAdapter", method = "getLastAdapter"),
public class RecyclerViewBindingAdapter {
@BindingAdapter(value = {"lastAdapter"}, requireAll = false)
public static void setLastAdapter(RecyclerView view, LastAdapter adapter) {
@InverseBindingAdapter(attribute = "lastAdapter")
public static LastAdapter getLastAdapter(RecyclerView view) {
return (LastAdapter) view.getAdapter();
I have added RecyclerView dependency on my gradle:
compile ""
Here it is how I use in my layout:
app:lastAdapter = "@{viewModel.adapter}"
... />
I have already set the viewModel binding variable after inflating this layout. But whenever I run my codes, gradle always shows the following error
Error:(48, 34) Cannot find the setter for attribute 'app:lastAdapter' with parameter type error.NonExistentClass on
I can resolve this problem by removing any app:lastAdapter
from my layouts then clean and rebuild, rewrite those app:lastAdapter
attibutes again then rebuild project, everything works fine.
That is not a convenient solving.
As George said at the comment above "BindingAdapter takes a LastAdapter, but adapter appears to be a different type" and this is how the variable asigned:
var adapter = LastAdapter(data, BR.item).map<MenuLinked, MenuItemBinding>(R.layout.menu_item)
It seems DataBinding library can't determine implicit data type declaration from Kotlin, so it need to be defined explicitly:
var adapter : LastAdapter = LastAdapter(data, BR.item).map<MenuLinked, MenuItemBinding>(R.layout.menu_item)