If we have an amount of nodes which are connected with edges (like a crossing with streets), and each node has a value of 0 to 3. The edges have the value 0.
Now I would like to write an algorithm, that allocates the value of the nodes to the value edges, so after the algorithm terminates all nodes have the value 0 and all edges <= 1.
For example, given this graph:
I'd like to produce this:
My Solution:
I have defined the datatypes Crossing and Street:
public class Crossing{
int value;
public class Street{
int value;
Crossing A, B;
The algorithm iterates through the crossings and allocates the values to the streets (Notice that a crossing can allocate its value only to the streets which are adjacent).
void allocate(Crossing[] crossings, Street[] streets){
foreach(crossings as c){ //iterate through every Crossing
foreach(streets as s){ //Find the streets, which are adjacent to c
if((s.A == c || s.B == c) && s.value < 1 && c.value != 0)
// The value of the crossing is >0 and the value of the
// street is 0.
c.value -= 1;
s.value += 1;
Will my algorithm work? If yes: is it efficient, or is there a better solution?
I am afraid your algorithm will not always work.
For example, if we have nodes A-B-C with A and B having value 1 (and C having value 0), then your algorithm will fail if the value from B is given to the A-B crossing instead of the B-C crossing (because then the A value has nowhere to go).
I would recommend reading up on the maximum flow algorithm e.g. with this topcoder tutorial
To solve this problem with the maximum flow algorithm you wish to define a new directed graph. This new graph has a node for each of your crossings, and a node for each of your streets (plus a source and sink node).
You need edges:
If you construct the maximum flow from source to sink, then the flow in the edges from the crossings to the streets tells you how to assign the values.