my tablix is like :
w1 |w2 |w3 |w4
1 |2 |4 |2
if i'am executing the report in the third week of the month , i need to show data only the three first weeks
w1 |w2 |w3 |w4
1 |2 |4 |-
is there any way to show only the data before the current week ?
thank you in advance.
Given the data in the question you can use the below expression to show only data for the week less than or equal to today's date. Remember SSRS weeks starts from Sunday to Saturday. Please replace fields Fields!Week.Value with the fields of your weeks(w1,w2,w3...) and Fields!Value.Value with the value fields(1,2,4...)
=IIF(CInt(RIGHT(Fields!Week.Value,1)) <= DatePart(DateInterval.WeekOfYear,TODAY()) - DatePart(DateInterval.WeekOfYear,CDate(Format(TODAY(),"yyyy-MM-01"))) + 1, Fields!Value.Value, "-")