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Git alias to include time similar to magit

I use the following alias which I like a lot:

git config --global alias.dag 'log --oneline --decorate --all --graph'

It gives me something link this:

* 1234  (HEAD->master, origin/master) Commit Message

When I use emacs magit I also get the user name and date of commit:

* 1234  (HEAD->master, origin/master) Commit Message    MyName   date

Anyone know the best way to modify the alias to provide the extra information? It would also helped if it was column aligned like emacs does.


  • This works great, thank you guys for the great start:

    git config --global alias.dag 'git log --pretty=format:"%C(blue)%h %C(green)%d %<(60)%Creset%s %<(20)%C(yellow)%cn %C(green)%ad" --decorate --all --graph --date=local'