I'm making a REST API and I would like to add at the class generation the Jackson annotation to ignore null fields, so I would like to add this annotation onfly for certain classes, not for the hole project.
I know that this could be acomplished by adding in application.properties the following line :
But this is for entire project.
I see that there are some ".mustache" files
- api.mustache
- apiController.mustache
I supose that I have to add some code in one of this one, or should I insert some code in application.yml ?
I'm also using Spring Boot with Swagger-codgen.
Thank you in advance and have a nice day!
Ok, after few hours of research I found that because I'm using Swagger-codegen I have to search in https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen for all answers regarding Swagger-Codegen. Here are all the templates and I found that I need to add to my project the following two files
The path where you can find the above files is
More than that, those files are simple templates to generate your Pojo classes, so you need to add the @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL)
annotation in the pojo.mustache file, above the line with public class {{classname}} {{#parent}}extends {{{parent}}}{{/parent}}...
in order to be inserted when you generate pojo classes.
And done, build your project again! :)