I'm reading https://github.com/Element-Research/dpnn/blob/master/Inception.lua
You can see tons of clone()
's in this source. like
is nothing more than nn.ReLU()
Why does this code call activation functions using clone()
? Does this only concern memory issues?
I thought that the clone
shares parameters. Is this right? If it's right, it means all activations of this inception module share parameters. It looks like nonsense. Do I misunderstand Inception-Net?
then all modules transfer
in your net mlp
will have the same state variables output
and gradInput
. Look for example at this toy code
require 'nn'
module = nn.ReLU()
net = nn.Sequential():add(nn.Linear(2,2)):add(module):add(nn.Linear(2,1)):add(module)
input = torch.Tensor(2,2):random()
Both print statements will return the same value. Modifying one of the module
outputs will modify the other one. Since we do not want this behavior we have to clone the module. (However in your case, cloning a simple nn.ReLU()
is not that useful.)
If arguments are provided to the clone(...) function it also calls share(...) with those arguments on the cloned module after creating it, hence making a deep copy of this module with some shared parameters.
Therefore if you don't provide any arguments the parameters won't be shared.