Is it possible to change md-toolbar
color responsively?
I did something like this with Flex-Layout package Responsive API:
md-toolbar color.xs="primary"
and it didn't work.
My guess I can change it by observing ObservableMedia and then setting toolbar's color in code but I'd like to know if there is an easier way.
I've opened an issue, as a feature request, basically doing what I've stated above. They've said no plans.
Of course, but you need to go through some css :
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
@import 'src/assets/css/theming.scss';
.primary { background: mat-color($primary); }
.accent { background: mat-color($accent); }
.warn { background: mat-color($warn); }
(Assuming your theming file is correctly placed and you used the correct variable names)
Now in your toolbar :
<md-toolbar ngClass.xs="primary""accent"></md-toolbar>