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pelican/rst2html codeblock error

This piece of Restructuredtext (Cleaning up and the code is preceding and following text).

    Cleaning up...

.. code-block::

    from sqlobject import StringCol, SQLObject, ForeignKey, sqlhub, connectionForURI

    sqlhub.processConnection = connectionForURI('sqlite:/:memory:')

    class Person(SQLObject):
        name = StringCol()
        class Address(SQLObject):
        address = StringCol()
        person = ForeignKey('Person')


The code

Is built correctly by rst2html but generates following error when I try to process it with Pelican (pelican content command):

(ERROR/3) Error in "code-block" directive: 1 argument(s) required, 0 supplied.

How can I solve this? I tried various indentations, with and without empty line between codeblock and actual code…


  • To answer this question I can paraphrase the comment of mzjn. Adding Python to the line ..code-block solved the problem.