Plenty of info on incoming unsafe attachments but I've yet to find one that addresses my query on outgoing Outlook items.
I'm running a script that's sending large volumes of emails over Outlook and ideally i'd like to let it chug away all weekend: however last time I tried it got stuck when Outlook gave a prompt asking if I was sure I wanted to send the message since it might contain attachments that were unsafe.
It's very inconsistent: probably one in a thousand emails causes this and it doesn't seem to have any relation to the extensions of the attachments; which are exclusively PDFs, Docx, rtf, xlsx, html, or images.
So I'm dying for a way to either suppress the message, or build in something into the macro to circumvent it entirely, but I've absolutely no idea where to start since (as I said) all the search hits I get are only applicable to incoming mail items.
There are two aspects of sending emails in Outlook: