Firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong section as it's not a programming question.
Secondly, this is nothing against DataTables per se, I've used it a lot and I think it's really great.
I am working on a project that requires the capabilities of the DataTables library (most importantly the AJAX server side processing with search and pagination) but the databases I am working with have important data over separate tables and so I need to use an SQL JOIN statement to build my table.
The old version of DataTables had join capabilities hacked together by a community user but on the new version it's unfortunately only part of the paid DataTables Editor program - and as a student I am too poor to buy it lol
Is there an alternative (free) library out there that can offer the server-side processing with the filtering and pagination abilities of DataTables but can also handle the JOIN capabilities in building a table from an SQL statement?
Thank you very much!
I used Datatables free in my project before i had given up and just bought the editor. Anyway this method was time consuming but it worked.