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Learning rate of a Q learning agent

The question how the learning rate influences the convergence rate and convergence itself. If the learning rate is constant, will Q function converge to the optimal on or learning rate should necessarily decay to guarantee convergence?


  • Learning rate tells the magnitude of step that is taken towards the solution.

    It should not be too big a number as it may continuously oscillate around the minima and it should not be too small of a number else it will take a lot of time and iterations to reach the minima.

    The reason why decay is advised in learning rate is because initially when we are at a totally random point in solution space we need to take big leaps towards the solution and later when we come close to it, we make small jumps and hence small improvements to finally reach the minima.

    Analogy can be made as: in the game of golf when the ball is far away from the hole, the player hits it very hard to get as close as possible to the hole. Later when he reaches the flagged area, he choses a different stick to get accurate short shot.

    So its not that he won't be able to put the ball in the hole without choosing the short shot stick, he may send the ball ahead of the target two or three times. But it would be best if he plays optimally and uses the right amount of power to reach the hole. Same is for decayed learning rate.