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Sonata admin/swiftmailer how to take back information from the list

I am currently trying to use swiftmailer in my project. I am currently working on Sonata Admin and I wanted to know how I could retrieve the object displayed in a list to be able to retrieve the associated mail addresses and thus send an e-mail to all the addresses contained in this list. I want to go through the list displayed by sonata because their filter system works very well and I would use it to choose the people I want to send an email to. I saw on the symfony documentation that it was possible to send mail to an address table in this form:

$to = array('', '', '');

$message = (new \Swift_Message('Hello Email'))
            ->setBody('html content goes here', 'text/html');


But i don't know how to take back the object form the list. From this grid.

grid Can you help me thanks ?

Ps : I just think putting a button down the list to send an email to all the people displayed in the list.

Thanks a lot.

Edit : I'm still searching and i found that the sql request was like '' and ''. t0 and c0 are the name of the object ? Is it always that ? What is the difference between t0 and c0 ?


  • You can do this by adding an action to your admin list.
    To do so, first create a new class in YourAdminBundle\Controller folder, extending Sonata\AdminBundle\Controller\CRUDController.

    Your custom action could look like this for instance :

      /** @property YourAdminClass $admin */
            public function batchActionSendMail(ProxyQueryInterface $selectedModelQuery ,$type = 'sendMails') {
           if (false === $this->admin->isGranted('EDIT')) {
                 throw new AccessDeniedException();
               /* selected objects in your list !! */
                $selectedModels = $selectedModelQuery->execute();
                 foreach ($selectedModels as $selectedModel){
                  // your code to retrieve objects mails here (for instance)
                   //code to send your mails
                   catch(\Exception $e)
                      $this->addFlash('sonata_flash_error', "error");
                     $this->addFlash('sonata_flash_success', 'mails sent')  
             return new RedirectResponse($this->admin->generateUrl('list'));

    To make this custom CRUD controller active, go to services.yml, get to your class admin block, and complete the third param of arguments property by referencing your custom CRUD controller:

    arguments: [null, YourBundle\Entity\YourEntity,YourAdminBundle:CustomCRUD]

    Finally, to allow you to use your custom action, go to your Admin Class and add this function :

    public function getBatchActions()
           if ($this->hasRoute('edit')) {
                    $actions['sendMails'] = array(
                        'label'            => $this->trans('batch.sendMails.action'),
                        'ask_confirmation' => true, // by default always true
          return $actions;  

    The action will be available in the dropdown list at the bottom of your admin list, next to the "Select all" checkbox.