I really like being able to the command-line tool gitx
from Terminal.app to open GitX and see the Git repository change log that I can scroll through, with nicely formatted diffs for each.
Mercurial is so similar that it would be nice to have a similar tool to just be able to view the commit log, changeset diffs with author, etc. like gitx
Looks like Murky is what I was looking for. In order to open up the current repository to view commits, changelogs, and authors, use:
alias murky open -a Murky
and then use the following to open up the current repo in Murky:
murky .
(Thanks to Jens Alfke for this info!)
So that I can more easily remember it, I also made an hgx alias to Murky in my ~/.bash_profile:
alias hgx='open -a Murky .'
That way I can just cd into a local mercurial repo directory and just type: