I'm integrating SQL database (PostgreSQL) into my first ever Java backend system.
My dilemma now is should the application create the database and the tables by itself, or should it just assume that the required database initialized with the tables will be available?
If the application should not manage the database by itself, then what's the best approach to reproducing the database on developers' machines (I want to be able to run integration tests with real database locally)?
I ended up using FlyWay as @Max suggested in his comment.
The setup was quite easy and intuitive. I used the default settings for time being.
Setup of integration testing on development machine was a breeze.
The only thing that I don't particularly like is that cleaning the database between tests using FlyWay is very slow because it doesn't just clean the tables, but erases the entire scheme.
This, however, is not a big issue for me right now (currently have ~100 tests), and, probably, will not be difficult to optimize in the future if needed.