Is there a way to combine multiple predictions from different models in mlr into a single average prediction so that it can be used to calculate performance measures etc.?
iris2 <- iris
iris2$Species <- ifelse(iris$Species=="setosa", "ja", "nein")
task = makeClassifTask(data = iris2, target = "Species")
lrn = makeLearner("classif.h2o.deeplearning", predict.type="prob")
model1 = train(lrn, task)
model2 = train(lrn, task)
pred1 = predict(model1, newdata=iris2)
pred2 = predict(model2, newdata=iris2)
performance(pred1, measures = auc)
g = generateThreshVsPerfData(pred1)
A workaround to show what I mean could be maybe
pred_avg = pred1
pred_avg$data[,c("prob.ja","prob.nein")] = (pred1$data[,c("prob.ja","prob.nein")] +
performance(pred_avg, measures = auc)
g_avg = generateThreshVsPerfData(pred_avg)
Is there a way to do this without a workaround and could this workaround have any unwanted side effects?
It sounds like you are looking for a stacking learner, which is mlr's method of performing ensembles.
from the docs
# Regression
data(BostonHousing, package = "mlbench")
tsk = makeRegrTask(data = BostonHousing, target = "medv")
base = c("regr.rpart", "regr.svm")
lrns = lapply(base, makeLearner)
m = makeStackedLearner(base.learners = lrns,
predict.type = "response", method = "average")
tmp = train(m, tsk)
res = predict(tmp, tsk)
# Prediction: 506 observations
# predict.type: response
# threshold:
# time: 0.02
# id truth response
# 1 1 24.0 27.33742
# 2 2 21.6 22.08853
# 3 3 34.7 33.52007
# 4 4 33.4 32.49923
# 5 5 36.2 32.67973
# 6 6 28.7 22.99323
# ... (506 rows, 3 cols)
performance(res, rmse)
# rmse
# 3.138981