I'm using plotnine to generate a scatterplot where the x-axis is pandas.Timestamp objects.
Currently, the x tick labels (e.g., "2017-07-01") are running into each other. I'd like to be able to do an arbitrary transformation of the tick labels. How do I change the x tick labels on the plot?
It looks like I could do something like + scale_x_continuous(labels=???)
but I don't know what argument to pass to labels.
I asked this question as an issue on the plotnine project, and got this as the solution:
from mizani.breaks import date_breaks
from mizani.formatters import date_format
+ scale_x_datetime(breaks=date_breaks('1 year'), labels=date_format('%Y'))
This would also do it:
+ scale_x_datetime(labels=lambda lst: [x.year if x.month==1 and x.day==1 else "" for x in lst])