I have an application used for warehousing furniture. If the user enters a line with a qty > 1, I have a simple while loop where the line is broken out to be many unique lines inserted into a SQL db. I.e. Item chair Qty 3
Item |Qty|Unique Key
Chair |1 |1234
Chair |1 |1235
Chair |1 |1236
while (Qty >= 1)
//Go Get Next Num
// GetNextNum("LN");
int NextNum = GetNextNum("LN"); //Method to get next number from DB table
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FurnitureDB"].ConnectionString;
conn.ConnectionString = connStr;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Connection = conn;
//SQL Parameter List here
cmd.CommandText = "InsertSODtl";
SqlDataReader datareader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
My challenge is, there are some items that have a multiplier, where one item will be in 3 pieces. In which case I append a number behind the unique key:
Item Table - Qty 1 - Unique Key
Table | 1 | 1234
Table | 1 | 12341
Table | 1 | 12342
So I need a nested while loop/for loop or some method to insert the appropriate number of pieces. So a table for example - there could be 2 tables, each with 3 pieces. So I need to
Item Table - Qty 1 - Unique Key
Table | 1 | 1234
Table | 1 | 12341
Table | 1 | 12342
Table | 1 | 1235
Table | 1 | 12351
Table | 1 | 12352
I'm struggling to come up with the logic to do this correctly.
Thanks for your suggestions.
One option I would look at is doing this all from within the stored procedure to limit the queries you need to execute. This can be really easily achieved using any type of for loop in SQL. Now i have a basic table setup as below.
Item | nvarchar(50)
Qty | int
UniqueKey | int
Item | nvarchar(50)
NumberOfPieces | int
Then a simple stored procedure such as:
@item nvarchar(50),
@uniqueKey int
DECLARE @pieces int = (SELECT TOP 1 NumberOfPieces FROM ItemClassification WHERE Item = @item)
INSERT INTO ItemTable (Item, Quantity, UniqueKey) VALUES (@item, 1, @uniqueKey)
IF @pieces IS NOT NULL AND @pieces > 1
DECLARE @count int = 1;
WHILE @count < @pieces -- < assures we end -1 max piece count
INSERT INTO ItemTable VALUES (@item, 1, CAST(CAST(@uniqueKey as nvarchar(10)) + CAST(@count as nvarchar(5)) as int))
SET @count = @count + 1
Like I said it is pretty basic and probably not exactly how your tables look but the concept is there.
First query the amount of pieces in the ItemClassification
table for the Item type (simple string).
Next insert the record into the ItemTable
Finally if @pieces
is not null and @pieces > 1
then we run a loop from 1 to @pieces - 1
inserting back into the ItemTable
appending the value to the unique key. Now we have to cast the @uniqueKey
and @count
as string (nvarchar(10)
) as we need to concat the values and not add them together.
Again a pretty basic example but limits the required queries.
This also doesnt require a change to your code and can be done in one query.
Example Use:
EXEC InsertSODtl 'Table', 1234
EXEC InsertSODtl 'Table', 1235
EXEC InsertSODtl 'Chair', 1236
Results in: