I am trying to make a script to log the top output to a file in the background for my embedded system. But as soon as I put it in background, it either exits or zombies up. What is the systems problem with running things in background ? My script
if [ -e $TOP_LOG_FILE ] ; then
while true
echo "##"`date`"##" >> $TOP_LOG_FILE
nohup top -n 1 >> $TOP_LOG_FILE
sleep 1
echo "##xxxxxxxxxxx##" >> $TOP_LOG_FILE
I am trying to execute it as
# nohup sh top_log.sh &
[4] 3051559
appending output to nohup.out
[4] + Stopped (tty output) nohup sh top_log.sh
and as
[5] 3121193
sh: top_log.sh: cannot execute - No such file or directory
[6] 3121194
[6] Done > /dev/null
[5] Done (126) top_log.sh
How do I actually get around this behavior?
top -n 1 -b
Tail that in a loop and append to file.
Wrap your loop in a script and launch it from terminal with &.