I would like to setup Varnish 2.1.5 rules to show content from another page in some cases, yet keep the original URL intact.
eg When user requests /page/a
s/he will be shown /page/b
instead, but still see the /page/a
URL in the browser.
This specific use case I need it for gracefully handling 404 errors on translated pages. Im not sure how to send the request back through to vcl_recv
The as I understand, the lifecycle flow, and current logic looks like this:
sub vcl_recv {
if(req.http.cookie ~ "lang_pref") {
# Redirect to Preferred Language
error 999 "i18n cookie";
sub vcl_deliver {
if (resp.status == 999 ) {
set resp.status = 302;
set resp.response = "Found";
}... # more i18n logic
sub vcl_fetch {
# Set Varnish error if backend cant find requested i18n page
if (beresp.status == 404 && req.url ~ "^\/(en|fr|de)(\/.*)?$") {
error 494;
sub vcl_error {
# Double check i18n pages for English before 404
if (obj.status == 494) {
set obj.http.Location = "https://site/page/a";
set obj.status = 302;
What I'm assuming, instead of set obj.http.Location "https://site/page/a";
, I need to somehow send the request back to vcl_recv
then use regsub()
How would I go about that?
Should be as easy as:
sub vcl_error {
# Double check i18n pages for English before 404
if (obj.status == 494 && req.url == "/page/a") {
set req.url = "/page/b";