I've installed MemSQL on a single server for testing and have created three tables as described in this example:
I can query the database from within the Memsql client running via ssh without any issues. However, whenever I try to run the same query programmatically in PHP I get the error "Table 'memsql_example.employees' is a distributed table. You cannot query it from a leaf".
The PHP code that generates that error is below:
// Connect to database
$mysqli = new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName, $dbPort);
if ($mysqli==false) die ("Error connecting to database\n");
$sql="select count(*) from employees;";
if (!$result) {
printf("Errormessage: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
I've tried running the above script from another server by changing the $dbHost to point to the server IP rather than but without success as I get the same error.
I've stared at this for hours - what am I doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance ...
Queries in MemSQL should be directed against the aggregator, which by default will run on port 3306. It looks like you are querying port 3307, which will be a leaf by default in your configuration.