If we look at the implementation of the shinyServer function, it's not too hard to see that it just inserts the passed function into what I presume is the global environment. However, I haven't seen the global environment referred to as ".globals" before and only as ".GlobalEnv" or "globalenv()".
#> function (func)
#> {
#> .globals$server <- list(func)
#> invisible(func)
#> }
#> <environment: namespace:shiny>
I would like to be able to retrieve the function implicitly passed to the shinyServer function from wherever it is being assigned to. I've been looking in the global environment, but I don't see a server
object there after using the shinyServer function. Where is .globals
and how do I access it and its contents including .globals$server
is a separate environment. You can see the code for it on github here.
If you want to know what goes in it try:
ls(shiny:::.globals, all.names=T)
You get:
[1] "clients" "domain" "IncludeWWW" "lastPort" "options" "ownSeed" "resources"
[8] "reterror" "retval" "running" "serverInfo" "showcaseDefault" "showcaseOverride" "stopped"
[15] "testMode"
The actual values are dynamic. Here is a little app which will show you what values are currently in the .globals
ui = bootstrapPage(
h3("What's in globals?"),
selectInput(inputId="globin",label="Parts of .globals", choices=ls(shiny:::.globals)),
server = function(input, output) {
output$glob <- renderPrint(mget(input$globin, env=x$.globals))
I got all of the environments into x
using sys.frame(1)
and then just subset .globals
from there.