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npm install without symlinks option not working

I setup a development environment with Windows 8 and Ubuntu as a virtual machine. For that I use VirtualBox.

I also manage to create a shared folder in VirtualBox.

In this shared folder I try to start a project with ember-generator of Yeoman.

yo ember --skip-install --karma
npm install --no-bin-links

For installing modules NPM I use the option "--no-bin-links" not to create symbolic links. Unfortunately, I still have errors creations symbolic links ... Is what I use although this option ? There he has a bug ?


  • The NPM docs about parameter "--no-bin-links" say:

    will prevent npm from creating symlinks for any binaries the package might contain.

    Which will just cause NPM to not create links in the node_modules/.bin folder. I also searched for a way to prevent NPM from creating symlinks when using npm install ../myPackage, but can't find any solution...

    Update: The npm support team said this will reproduce the old behaviour (no symbolic links):

    npm install $(npm pack <folder> | tail -1)

    Works for me in git-bash on Windows 10.