I can't find the VS2010 Tools | Options... | Environment | Fonts and Colors Text Editor setting for controlling the foreground color of the numeric literal that defines the size of T-SQL variable datatypes like varchar, char.
My problem is that my font and color settings (which I donwloaded from a blog post - maybe Scott Haselman's, not sure) has a black background for the text editor and black foreground for the numeric literal. So when I type DECLARE @myvar varchar(100)
, I cannot see the "100".
Anyone know what setting I should be looking for? I've been through the list several times trying various settings.
I found the solution. I was looking for the "Number" display item for "Text Editor".
It's weird though, the setting was for a "Default" foreground color which showed as White in the preview window. The actual color was Black. Also, when editing C#, I don't have this problem (this was the first time I used VS2010 for editing SQL - I normally use SSMS).
I think there is a bug in VS2010 as it didn't use the Default color.