I have a person class with three fields, Title, Name, Gender and I would like to create a Custom Sort for it to sort it first by Title, then by Name and then by Gender ascending:
public class SortPerson : IComparer
public int Compare(object x, object y)
I know how to do this for only one variable to compare against: But How would I have to proceed with three?
public class SortPerson : IComparer
int IComparer.Compare(object a, object b)
Person p1=(Person)a;
Person p2=(Person)b;
if (p1.Title > p2.Title)
return 1;
if (p1.Title < p2.Title)
return -1;
return 0;
Many Thanks,
//Assuming all the fields implement IComparable
int result = a.field1.CompareTo(b.field1);
if (result == 0)
result = a.field2.CompareTo(b.field2);
if (result == 0)
result = a.field3.CompareTo(b.field3);
return result;