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Unpacking a dictionary and passing to a function as keyword parameters

I am trying in python to unpack some dict into some function:

I have a function that get packet as parameter (that should be dict)

def queue(self, packet):
    self.topic.publish(self.message, self.client, **packet)

and I call it this way:

        'an_item': 1,
        'a_key': 'value'

the publish function, is in 3rd party api (Google Pub/Sub API) and from what I looked at source:

def publish(self, message, client=None, **attrs):
    message_data = {'data': message, 'attributes': attrs}
    message_ids = api.topic_publish(self.full_name, [message_data])

it's accepting **attrs in order to pass all keyword parameters into another function.

Currently.. my queue() function isn't working.

How, if possible, can I fix my queue() function to unpack the packet dict argument into something publish() will accept?



Some error messages I got.


def queue(self, packet):
    self.topic.publish(self.message, self.client, **packet)

I get: TypeError: 1 has type <class 'int'>, but expected one of: (<class 'bytes'>, <class 'str'>)


def queue(self, packet):
    self.topic.publish(self.message, self.client, packet)

I get: publish() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 4 were given


def queue(self, **packet):
    self.topic.publish(self.message, self.client, packet)

I get: TypeError: queue() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

and for:

def queue(self, *packet):
    self.topic.publish(self.message, self.client, packet)

I get: TypeError: publish() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 4 were given


as @gall suggested correctly, it is the data I was sending and there is no problem with the unpacking. with this function:

def queue(self, packet):
    self.topic.publish(self.message, self.client, **packet)

It works when I call it with strings only:

        'an_item': '1',
        'a_key': 'value'

Thank you all!


  • According to the docstring of publish, attr must be a string -> string dict.

    You can fix the issue by replacing

        'an_item': 1,
        'a_key': 'value'

    with purely string arguments, e.g.

        'an_item': '1',
        'a_key': 'value'

    It seems your issue had nothing to do with dictionary unpacking.