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Maxscript as Modifier or Geometry object

My script is a detached rollout with a multiple options where under a UI I just create Cyllinder and assign some modifiers as Bend, Noise and etc. But my general problem, if I close my script rollout I can't be able modify object after that and my object displays just as a stack of modifiers. How to collect my script into a one modifier or geometry object with possible to modify any parameters in any time?

Update: Applying modifiers to mesh:

myMesh = cylinder smooth:on heightsegs:(heightSpin2.value / 10) capsegs:1 
sides:12 height:heightSpin2.value radius:radSpin2.value mapcoords:on 
realWorldMapSize:on isSelected:on

modPanel.addModToSelection (Noisemodifier ()) ui:on
myMesh .modifiers[#Noise].scale = scaleSpin2.value 
myMesh .modifiers[#Noise].strength  = [distSpin2.value,distSpin2.value ,distSpin2.value ]
myMesh .modifiers[#Noise].frequency = 2.14 


  • See Scripted SimpleObject Plug-ins (for custom primitives) and Scripted SimpleMeshMod Plug-ins (for custom modifiers). Both these concepts are also exposed to the Max Creation Graph (MCG).