I am trying to understand this particular solution of Towers of Hanoi problem. It is a recursive solution.
A = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
B = []
C = []
def move(n, source, target, auxiliary, frm):
print('n here : ', n)
if n > 0:
print('frm : ', frm, n)
# move n - 1 disks from source to auxiliary, so they are out of the way
move(n - 1, source, auxiliary, target, '1')
# move the nth disk from source to target
print('n:', n)
# Display our progress
print(source, target, auxiliary, '##############', sep = '\n')
# move the n - 1 disks that we left on auxiliary onto target
move(n - 1, auxiliary, target, source, '2')
# initiate call from source A to target C with auxiliary B
move(5, A, C, B, '0')
You can see it live here https://repl.it/JUzY/0
After the first line of ######### gets printed, the value of n = 0, becomes 2. How does this happen? Am I missing out some concept of recursion ? Help me in understanding this.
You need to understand scope. You say "the value of n = 0, but suddenly it becomes 2". But there is more than one "n", because the scope of n is the method. Each time move
gets called, that method call has its own instance of n
with its own value.
At the bottom of the script, you call move(5, A, C, B, '0')
. Inside that call, n == 5
. The first thing that does is call move(n - 1, source, auxiliary, target, '1')
. Inside that call, n == 4
. But when it eventually returns, n
in the original function call is still 5
A good way to understand how recursion works, is to work through the program execution by hand, using sheets of paper. I'm going to use a Post-It note for function calls, and a notebook for output. You also have your "model", in the form of the lists A,B,C
. Since elements move around, you could represent those elements with scraps of paper or scrabble tiles.
Start with the intial move(4, A, C, B, '0')
. (I'm starting at 4 because the number of steps grows rapidly). Since we are calling a function, take a new post-it to represent the function call, and write on it:
n = 4
source = A
target = C
auxiliary = B
frm = '0'
Now work through the code of move
doing what it says. Write any print
output on this one.
When you reach the call to move(n - 1, source, auxiliary, target, '1')
, make a note on the post-it of the line number you're at, then get a new post-it, and write the values that are going into it:
n = 4 (because 4 - 1)
source = A
target = B (caller's auxiliary)
auxiliary = C (caller's target)
frm = '1'
Place this on top of the previous post-it. You are not allowed to look at the covered up post-it until it's revealed again. Keep doing this, and you'll end up with a stack of five post-its.
The fifth post-it has n = 0
. Now when you step through its code, because it starts with if n > 0:
, the call returns immediately. This function call is over, so tear up that one post-it and throw it away. The values of n
etc. in that post-it have no effect on the other post-its.
You made a note of the line-number you were at, so carry on executing the code by hand from that line. You will produce some output, then call move
again -- use post-its for this move too, again covering up the current post-it and growing your stack until you make a call with n == 0
and can remove an item from the stack.
If you keep doing this, you'll see the stack grow and shrink several times, you'll reach the original post-it once, do its print, then grow the stack again, then reach the original post-it again, and finally finish.
The stack of post-it notes is an exact model of the execution stack of a program's runtime. When you see stack traces (even of non-recursive programs), this is what they represent. Each post-it is a stack frame, and local variables have a scope that is restricted to that stack frame.
The recursive solution to Hanoi can be expressed in English as: