I'm having this PHP MVC Application that I'm trying to implement.
My attempt here is to add/edit/delete CATEGORIES. A category has a name and a description. It's view is basically a table with categories data and a link for edit/delete.
I've loaded dynamically and finished the add Category part, but I'm stuck at edit/delete.
My routing is set up like this: Controller/Action/Parameter.
Click EDIT link, application grabs the ID of the row and proceeds to edit page, so : /categories/edit/(categoryID)
So if I wish to edit the first entry entry, it'll go to categories/edit/1
My question is: how to I retrieve the category ID? That 1 from the URL.
$_GET['id'] does not work as my routing doesn't look like categories/edit.php?id=etc
$routes = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// get controller name
if (isset($routes[1]) && !empty($routes[1])) {
$controllerName = $routes[1];
// get name action
if (isset($routes[2]) && !empty($routes[2])) {
$actionName = $routes[2];
if (isset($routes[3]) && !empty($routes[3])) {
$param = $routes[3];
Apologies. Here's the route.php. Also, using array_pop to grab the id does not appear to work.
You could simply use something like this,
// Get the current URL
// Explode with /
$parts = explode('/', rtrim($url, '/'));
// Pop the element in the end of the array
$id = array_pop($parts);