I want to add some conditional control in my symbol, it seems that if-else is evaluated in symbol construction time. But I want it to evaluated in symbol run time.
a = mx.symbol.Variable(name='a')
b = mx.symbol.Variable(name='b')
if a>b:
c = a-b
c = a+b
TensorFlow provides the tf.cond() operator to deal with it, is there a counterpart in mxnet?
You can use mx.symbol.where.
You can compute a_minus_b
and a_plus_b
and return an array where each element is either from a_minus_b
or a_plus_b
depending on the corresponding value in another condition
array. Here is an example:
a = mx.symbol.Variable(name='a')
b = mx.symbol.Variable(name='b')
a_minus_b = a - b
a_plus_b = a + b
# gt = a > b
gt = a.__gt__(b)
result = mx.sym.where(condition=gt, x=a_minus_b, y=a_plus_b)
ex = result.bind(ctx=mx.cpu(), args={'a':mx.nd.array([1,2,3]), 'b':mx.nd.array([3,2,1])})
r = ex.forward()
print(r[0].asnumpy()) #result should be [1+3, 2+2, 3-1]